Sweet Pairings

Vanilla Panna Cotta & Sauternes

Does anyone remember the Peach & Blueberry Panna Cotta from Trader Joe’s? When I was in grad school, I used to stock those in my freezer! I was so sad when they were discontinued. For about $3, you get a tasty dessert that looks a lot more than it cost. Why not?

Panna Cotta is a simple but really delicate and elegant dessert. So delicate that it can be dented by a soft flower petal — personal experience from yours truly!

For such delicate dessert, we have to enjoy it with a delicate wine. I am a big fan of Sauternes, which is a sweet wine from France. Its taste matches so well with its light gold color — it starts with a taste of sweetness but ends on a sharp note. For my pairing, I bought a half bottle (375ml) of Château Grillon from Whole Foods — perfect for dessert for 2!

Vanilla Panna Cotta-Sauternes-Wine Pairing


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