Sweet Delights

Pitaya Banana Smoothie

My love for pink pitaya (dragon fruit) is one that stays. This superfruit is loaded with nutrients, tastes refreshing, and adds a vibrant color to any delicious concoction!

If you have explored my other Sweet Delights posts, you would find a number of pink pitaya recipes using Pink Foods dragon fruit smoothie packs. Pitaya is one of the most versatile ingredients, so it’s always great to keep some pitaya smoothie packs in the freezer.

Bananas and soy milk are the other two staples we try to keep at home; they add creaminess to many sweet delights. On hot summer days, when we crave for a creamy, yet refreshing smoothie, we simply create this easy 3-ingredient smoothie. This pink beauty surely makes a sweet delight for an afternoon treat!

Here’s the recipe: 1 banana, 3.5 oz of frozen pitaya, and 1/4 cup of Silk original almond milk

  1. Slice banana into pieces
  2. Add banana, frozen pitaya, and almond milk into a blender
  3. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

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