Sweet Explorations Sweet Pairings

Pistachio Cannoli & Corvina Veronese

Happy Mother’s Day!!

The gift of motherhood is a treasure in and of itself. The special day when everyone celebrates and honors mothers is icing on the cake. For this mother’s day, I enjoyed the cutest singing performance by my older one and her class. She even surprised me with a handmade sparkling paperweight at the end of her performance. It’s definitely a sweet moment to treasure.

The way I see sweetness in desserts is a flavor that last — a flavor that entices cravings. From now and then, I crave for these pistachio cannoli out in the Tri-Valley of the Bay Area. They are filled with flavorful pistachio cream and topped with pistachio pieces. The cannoli shells are crisp and flaky. It’s the treat I recommend from Primerose Bakery.

As for these delicate Italian pastries, I paired them with a 2013 Corvina Veronese blend made by The Allegrini family. This wine has made the family famous around the world. The medium-bodied red wine has earthy flavor that goes well with the nuttiness of pistachio. The combination gets better as you enjoy more of it. So, CIN CIN!!

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