Sweet Delights

Persimmon Chia Smoothie Cup

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October is surely a month of orange, with pumpkins, pumpkins, everywhere! Besides pumpkins, there is an orange-color fruit that I love — persimmons! Some people prefer to eat them when they are firm, with a crunchy texture, like apples. I love Fuyu persimmons, especially when they become soft and sweet.

One day, I was pleasantly surprised to find some lovely persimmons in my fridge. My mom has snuck them in there when she visited — go mom! So I decided to make this Persimmon Chia Smoothie Cup to honor October with another orange-color delicious goodness.

Here’s the recipe:

Ingredients: 1/4 cup of chia seeds, 1 cup of So Delicious coconut milk, 3 persimmons, 1 banana, coconut chips, 5 tablespoons of Chobani plain Greek yogurt, and 1 dragon fruit

  1. Soak chia seeds in coconut milk until mixture thickens
  2. Blend together 3 medium sized persimmons, 1 banana, 2 small handfuls of coconut chips, and 5 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt
  3. Place chia seed mixture into a cup
  4. Add persimmon mixture
  5. Top smoothie cup with dragon fruit pieces
  6. Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!

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