Sweet Delights

Papaya Kiwano Chia Smoothie Cup

Papay Kiwano Chia Smoothie Cup-2I love trying new fruits and vegetables. During one of my shopping trips at Safeway, I saw a spiky yellow fruit that looks too interesting to pass up. Despite its spiky appearance, the fruit is actually a little soft as I gently squished it. This “soft-hearted” fruit is Kiwano — a melon that originated from Africa.

The inside of a Kiwano is filled with some bright green fruit pulps and seeds. The texture reminds me of grapefruit but the taste is quite neutral. Since Kiwano is not a sweet-tasting fruit, I decided to use papaya to be the main focus of this smoothie cup.

Kiwano is rich in antioxidants and is a perfect add-on to a smoothie cup!

Here’s the recipe: Chia seeds, coconut milk, 1 papaya, 1 banana, 1/2 kiwano, coconut chips, and 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt

  1. Soak chia seeds in coconut milk overnight
  2. Blend together 1 papaya, 1 banana, 1/2 kiwano, a handful of coconut chips, 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt
  3. Place smoothie mixture and chia seed mixture in glass
  4. Garnish smoothie
  5. Mix smoothie and chia mixtures and enjoy it with a spoon

Tip: I used a Nutri Bullet to blend the kiwano seeds and coconut chips nicely.

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