Sweet Delights

Mango Tapioca Cup

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Thanks to Mary, one of my readers, for her interest in my Mango Tapioca Cup! I’m excited to share my recipe below.

One of the secrets in this recipe that makes it a light dessert is Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener. Monk fruit sweetener is a natural sugar substitute, which makes it a little less guilty for enjoying some delicious dessert. I can assure you that it will equally satisfy your sweet tooth. Why? My hubby who loves sweets had no idea that I switched from sugar to monk fruit sweetener.

Here’s the recipe:

Ingredients: 2 cups of frozen mango chunks, 1/2 cup of monk fruit sweetener, 1/2 of coconut milk, 1 cup of tapioca pearls, 1 1/4 of canned coconut milk, and 1 vanilla bean

Part 1, Mango Mixture:

  1. Blend together 2 cups of frozen mango chunks, 1/4 cup of monk fruit sweetener, and 1/2 cup of coconut milk
  2. Place mango mixture into cups and keep them in the fridge while preparing for tapioca topping

Part 2, Tapioca Topping:

  1. Boil tapioca in hot water until soft or texture of your choice
  2. Remove tapioca from water
  3. Pour 1 1/4 cup of canned coconut milk into a pot
  4. Split a vanilla bean in half and add it to coconut milk
  5. Add 1/4 of monk fruit sweetener and stir
  6. Boil the coconut milk mixture in low heat until vanilla bean’s essence is blended into the coconut milk
  7. Remove vanilla bean from coconut milk
  8. Add tapioca to coconut milk and boil for another 1-2 minutes
  9. Remove tapioca topping from heat and cool

For the Grande Finale:

  1. Remove mango mixture from fridge
  2. Place spoonfuls of tapioca topping onto mango mixture
  3. Serve and enjoy!


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