Sweet Explorations

Baked Hawaii

Baked Hawaii-Liholiho Yacht Club-2

This gorgeous dessert will have your head turned — literally. I turned mine as it passed by me in that crowded restaurant on a Thursday evening.

Liholiho Yacht Club in San Francisco is home to this Baked Hawaii. As the name suggests, the idea behind this dessert is Baked Alaska. But Liholiho Yacht Club put a Hawaiian twist to it. Under the beautiful layer of browned meringue, it’s vanilla chiffon and caramelized pineapple ice cream. Our anticipation was so strong, that we all dug our spoons into it after this photo was snapped. So no picture of its beautiful interior but I highly suggest giving it a try when you are in San Francisco.

The restaurant is popular and reservations fill up fast. They do offer walk-in’s but be sure to get there early!

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