Sweet Delights

Dragon Fruit Pineapple Smoothie Boat

Dragon Fruit Pineapple Boat-1Happy 2019!!

To reflect on my 2018, there has been many changes — both positive and negative. It’s cliché but I truly believe things happen for a reason. The negatives just make us stronger and give us a broader perspective on things around us. I am very thankful for all of my family and friends who continuously support me in creating my next chapter.

A great way to power up the new year is to enjoy some healthy and delicious smoothie! I found some cute mini pineapples at Safeway that made the perfect compliment to the dragon fruit smoothie packs I adore. This smoothie boat is a refreshing sweet treat to start your adventurous sailing into 2019!

Here’s the recipe:

Ingredients: 1 pack (100g) of Pitaya Plus dragon fruit smoothie pack, 1 banana, 1 mini pineapple (save 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks), 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt, and some fresh dragon fruit pieces to decorate

  1. Cut the top of a mini pineapple and save top as lid
  2. Use a small knife or spoon to remove pineapple meat from pineapple
  3. Blend 1 pack of dragon fruit smoothie pack, 1 banana, 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks, and 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt together
  4. Pour smoothie into emptied pineapple shell
  5. Decorate smoothie boat with fresh dragon fruit and pineapple pieces

Happy Sailing!!


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