Sweet Pairings

Berry Sponge Cake & Sparkling Rose

It’s back to school for the kids but it doesn’t mean summer treats need to stop. I bought a pretty bottle of Hello Kitty sparkling rosé — just because it’s Hello Kitty. But the wine quality has really surprised me. It’s an off-dry crisp rosé with berry and almond flavor — the perfect pairing for a berry dessert.

For the dessert, I simply topped a yellow sponge cake with some Bellwether Farms crème fraîche, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Crème fraîche is a French version of sour cream but it’s more delicate and has a less subtle sour flavor; it’s a rich cultured cream with nutty flavor. I assure you that both adults and kids will love this simple yet elegant dessert.

Planning a date night or girls’ dinner? Pick up a bottle of Italian sparkling rosé and some crème fraîche to add some colorful notes to your event!

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