Vanilla & Chocolate Cupcakes

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Talk about hidden gems — these delicious vanilla and chocolate cupcakes are truly hidden…in someone’s home! They are made from a freelance baker, Michelle Winged, in Vallejo, CA. Her brand is called Sweet House Temptation.

We found Michelle through an online service “matchmaker”, Thumbtack. We simply placed a request for cupcakes on Thumbtack, and Michelle responded to it. Boy, was that a match made in dessert heaven! My favorite part of Michelle’s cupcakes are the frosting — it’s flavorful but not overly sweet.

Next time when you host a party or just craving for some cupcakes, reach out to Michelle. And did I mention that she delivers to your doorsteps?



Mango Berry Bliss

Mango-Blueberry-Strawberry-Smoothie-2It’s so true that kids’ minds are like sponges — they absorb things that they see and experience quickly, and give it their own spin in no time. My 4-year old always ask me to make her smoothie. But this time, she wanted to name her own ingredients. So I played along and we created this Mango Berry Bliss.

Ingredients: Mango, blueberries, strawberries, banana, Chobani plain Greek yogurt, and Silk vanilla soy milk

AND edible flowers — decorate with a pretty flower was a must from the ingredient mastermind =)

  1. Blend together 1 fresh mango, a handful of blueberries, 3 strawberries, 1 banana, 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt, and 2 tablespoons of vanilla soy milk
  2. Decorate with fruits and flowers
  3. Enjoy!

Baked Hawaii

Baked Hawaii-Liholiho Yacht Club-2

This gorgeous dessert will have your head turned — literally. I turned mine as it passed by me in that crowded restaurant on a Thursday evening.

Liholiho Yacht Club in San Francisco is home to this Baked Hawaii. As the name suggests, the idea behind this dessert is Baked Alaska. But Liholiho Yacht Club put a Hawaiian twist to it. Under the beautiful layer of browned meringue, it’s vanilla chiffon and caramelized pineapple ice cream. Our anticipation was so strong, that we all dug our spoons into it after this photo was snapped. So no picture of its beautiful interior but I highly suggest giving it a try when you are in San Francisco.

The restaurant is popular and reservations fill up fast. They do offer walk-in’s but be sure to get there early!

Cantaloupe Chia Cup

Cantaloupe-Chia-Coconut-Light Dessert-2

There is nothing not to like about cantaloupe if you like deliciously sweet fruits. When I first tasted this cantaloupe on picture, I knew I had to make a simple dessert out of it. It’s bursting with natural sweetness that got my kids asking for more.

Here’s the recipe for this 5-ingredient dessert cup:

Ingredients: chia seeds, Silk vanilla soy milk, cantaloupe, and coconut chips

  1. Soak chia seeds in vanilla soy milk for 20 minutes in the fridge
  2. Blend together about 6 squared pieces of cantaloupe and 1 banana with a dash of vanilla soy milk
  3. Toast coconut chips in oven until golden
  4. Pour cantaloupe mixture into small dessert cups
  5. Cover cantaloupe mixture with soaked chia seeds
  6. Decorate with toasted coconut chips
