Hot Pink Chocolate

What’s your impression of hot chocolate? I always think of it as warm and sweet indulgence — but can be too sweet at times to consume often. In order to resolve this issue, I experimented with cacao butter. Cacao butter is known to be full of nutrients, healthy fats, and antioxidants. I used the cacao …

Madeleines & Prosecco

Valentine’s is about 2 weeks away. Do you have a sweet treat package ready for your special someone? Sometimes the simplest idea might do the trick — after all, it’s the quality time that you share counts the most. My third sweet pink treat idea is some good old classic madeleines paired with prosecco. You …

Carrara Pastries

I first met the Carrara brothers at a bridal show in 2012. They were promoting their new venture, Carrara Pastries — an authentic Italian bakery. I vividly remember the croque-en-bouche on display was both eye-catching and mouth-watering! Having tasted the delicious Carrara profiteroles at the show, my husband (then-fiance) and I visited the original Carrara …