Sweet Pairings

Pumpkin Pie & Glühwein

Imagine walking around a Christmas market in Berlin. The crisp air is filled with aroma of delicious baked goods. The streets are filled with people and festive lights. I spent some winter holidays in Germany and experienced this firsthand. My favorite part is to sip a cup of warm Glühwein while enjoying this Christmas tradition.

Glühwein is a warm mulled wine that is made of red wine and spices. Besides the Christmas markets, Germans also like to enjoy Glühwein at home. My childhood friend from Germany is the one who introduced me to this amazing beverage. Perhaps that’s the reason why Glühwein always remind me of spending the holidays with friends and family.

For this Thanksgiving, I am pairing this warm winter beverage with some traditional American pumpkin pies. In general, Glühwein has hints of citrus fruits and spices such as cinnamon and cloves. With the sharpness of warmed red wine, it’s a perfect compliment to the spices and sweetness of pumpkin pies.

While shopping at Cost Plus World Market, I found a ready-to-drink Wintersaison Glühwein. This bottle is a good start and can be enhanced by adding fresh fruits such as tangerines and cranberries. It’s a convenient alternative to making Glühwein from scratch. To pair with pumpkin pies, I suggest adding only cranberries as strong citrus flavor might overpower the tastes of pumpkin pies.

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

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